Market Assessment and Investigation Services
Before deciding to enter a new market, it is recommended that a thorough analysis of the market be undertaken and that the opportunities and risks are well understood in order to make a sound investment decision. The following support can be provided to companies contemplating entering the North American or Southern African markets:
- Market research including market size, key players, product offerings, competitive landscape, trends, etc
- Discovery Trips that combine the opportunity to learn about how to do business successfully together with a series of one-on-one meetings with prospective clients and partners
- Trial marketing campaigns to determine response and level of interest in a company's products
- Brand audits and positioning
- Guidance on market entry strategy as well as identification of key partners, depending on sales model (direct, channel, OEM, etc)
- Identification of suitable acquisition targets.
- Local presence and operating base including local services e.g. local address, telephone number, banking services, admin services
- Local support to schedule, facilitate and/or attend meetings on behalf of the company and assist with any other activities
- Guidance and support for developing a business plan to enter the market e.g. legal, immigration, costs, etc